Thursday, May 26, 2005


Dear Sunshine,

Seberapa penting sih reminder dalam handphone (HP)? Reminder berguna sebagai fitur pengingat untuk mencatat meeting, hari ulang tahun dan sebagainya, yang sekarang hampir semua orang punya dalam HP-nya...kecuali saya. HP saya enggak dilengkapi reminder yang akhirnya justru jadi benar-benar menimbulkan kerepotan. Awalnya sih saya enggak terlalu memikirkan fitur yang satu ini, setidaknya saya masih bisa menggunakan HP untuk menelpon atau mengirimkan sms, tapi lambat laun saya terpaksa harus bilang, "Tollooongg...!!!"

Acara-acara favorit di TV, ultah temen-temen dan keluarga, serta bawa barang-barang yang dipesan temen-temen semua kacau. Saya jadi sering ketinggalan acara-acara favorit, baru ingat sejam kemudian. Teman yang berulang tahun baru saya selamati siang hari, untung enggak marah. Dan yang paling membuat kesal temen-temen atau keluarga kalau saya lupa membawa pesanan vcd/dvd atau bahkan barang mereka yang saya pinjam, karena semua tidak bisa saya catat dalam reminder sekedar pengingat. I don't have one!

Saya enggak berniat mengganti HP karena kadung jatuh cinta pada si HP mungil. Mungkin ada baiknya sih HP saya enggak ada reminder, jadi pertanda bagi saya untuk pelan-pelan mengubah sifat lupa ini. Lucunya, beberapa teman jika saya minta dibawakan sesuatu, menjawab, "OK, tapi ingetin ya...sms." Lah, bagaimana bisa mengingatkannya, untuk mengirimkan sms-nya saja saya perlu reminder biar enggak lupa???

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Day I Was Born...

Dear God,

I send my greatest gratitude to You, Allah SWT, the Almighty....the Executive Producer of my life, for everything that has happened to me and standing beside me all years. I am so lucky to be blessed with this life until today.

My love for my Mom and Dad is beyond belief. I never really had the chance to say thank you for all the love, pray and patience they have given me during their lives with me. Thank you and I miss much.

My sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews, a bunch of crazy but loving people, have shown me their care, love and they have thought me to be as an independent person as I can be. Thank you guyz...

My Best friends who keep up with me in the past, present or hopefully in the future. Your love, care, criticism, corny jokes keep me alive and help me also standing until today.

My co-workers, my second family. 8 hours a day make you guys be part of my life. Sometimes you can be so colorful, yet in the other you can be so cloudy. But, hey,...that's what a family is all about *ehem...*

All people I know and haven't mentioned. You know you are always in my heart......


I cannot tell you how it was;
But this I know it came to pass
Upon a bright and breezy day
When May was young, ah pleasant May!

- Christina Rosetti : 1830 -1894 -

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


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Dear God,

If You ask me what I would have in my wish list, I humbly would answer I wish to meet Oprah Winfrey!
This morning I watched her show on Favorite Things for Spring, where she gave out gifts and goodies, from clothes to high tech appliances for around 300 audiences in the studio! She is modest and low key, and I like her spirit. She is so generous that she gave things to people she barely knows, even only for the purpose of the show. That's something. Thank you Oprah for the inspiration....

Memori Dua Kuntum Lili

Aku tidak tahu mengapa
begitu cepat dua kuntum lili mekar
di bawah sentuhan sinar mentari
sebelum kehangatannya sirna
mereka mengucapkan selamat malam
'tuk terbaring di atas peraduan abadi

Namun aku tahu
walau guguran kelopaknya
telah menyatu dengan bumi
Dua kuntum lili yang pernah menyentuh hati
tak akan pernah sirna
Namanya selalu terngiang
keharumannya selalu semerbak
keindahannya selalu terkenang
terpatri dalam memori........

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In loving memory of my beloved Parents, 1996

Sunday, May 15, 2005

inspirational album.....

Shouldn't realize
You're the highest of the high
'n if you don't know then I'll say it
So don't ever wonder
Don't Ever Wonder.... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Welcome're still welcome...welcome
Anytime you want some
Make yourself at home 'cause you're

Maxwell - Urban Hang Suite, 1996