Earring Net

I just bought this table tennis net from the all-6000rup-item shop - Oke Doku (seriously, you ACTUALLY can find good inspiring cheap items here for your home) - that I thought maybe would be useful in my sanctuary (bedroom that is) which I planned to re-decorate.
I decided to use it for my earring collection that I haven't yet well organized.
  • Prepare the table tennis net. Fold it and tie the net bands to a hanger. Just like that!

  • Then hang the tip of earrings on the net.

  • Add some accessories to the hanger to give a bit of arty look to the hanger. In this case, I hang my sunglasses on the hanger.

  • I also put my big bracelet and band into the net.
Coincidently, it matches my sanctuary's wall color!


LiLo said…

kalo ga punya anting2, bisa diganti jadi tempat apa yah, secara aku pake jilbab, ehhhm jarum pentul??? ;p
shanshine said…
bros bisa kok..
ato bisa jg foto (scara saya dengar kamyu narsis hihiihhi) trus jepit pake paper clip (yg warna/i)
LiLo said…
bros indeed!

ah saya tak narsis kok mbak :p hanya suka melihat foto diri sendiri dalam jumlah besar saja.