
...you're still welcome...welcome
Anytime you want some
Make yourself at home 'cause you're

Maxwell - Urban Hang Suite, 1996


Anonymous said…
wouooow..two tumbs for u mijn liefde vriend..wah emang dech temen yang gue satu ini paling pinter banGetttt.... dan GaPe banget sama kompUter dan segala bentuK tehnologi....hebat euY....(dengan nada irian gitu..!!)Ayo atuh foto-2nya dimasukken..kan keren abis tuh...cool..pokoknYa seharusnYa shanti ngak jadi TranslatoR..dia harusnya kerja di advertising or Tv or kreatif Editor giTu dech....Bravo mY dEaR...
@dewisidik said…
Huehehe.... uda jadi blognya nih. Sering2 diapdet yaks... ntar g srg maen kesini buat cari inpsirasi (whacks... kesannya)
shanshine said…
Thx guys for your support...emang ini wadah kreasi jg cieeh...ksh saran, ide n kritikan yaa...peace!
Anonymous said…
Huaaaaa.... ternyata you have such a good taste in making a blog. Keep up the good work, Girl. I envy you in a good way, cause i don't have that kind of talent. I bow to you.. much much.. adore you he.he.. byee..
Anonymous said…
Mbak Shanti...Mbak Shanti...tetangga depanku...selamat ya atas blogspot barunya hehehe, yang masih garink ini hehehe *gw gak punya aje nyela:p*...diisi dong Mbak! Jangan gini aja...ayo semangaaatt!!
btw ada salam dari Mbak Pri: "Kok Maksa sihhh?" hehehe...
Anonymous said…
knock....knock.....bloger baru ya??......fotonya mannnaaaa.......???
Anonymous said…
Wow ... good work girl ...
salut nich g sama lu yg selalu menemukan ide2 kreatip ...
chayoooo dear
shanshine said…
trims ya...wah jd terpacu nih...hidup blogspot!! hehehe