...you're still welcome...welcome Anytime you want some Make yourself at home 'cause you're Welcome
Maxwell - Urban Hang Suite, 1996
Anonymous said…
wouooow..two tumbs for u mijn liefde vriend..wah emang dech temen yang gue satu ini paling pinter banGetttt.... dan GaPe banget sama kompUter dan segala bentuK tehnologi....hebat euY....(dengan nada irian gitu..!!)Ayo atuh foto-2nya dimasukken..kan keren abis tuh...cool..pokoknYa seharusnYa shanti ngak jadi TranslatoR..dia harusnya kerja di advertising or Tv or kreatif Editor giTu dech....Bravo mY dEaR...
Thx guys for your support...emang ini wadah kreasi jg cieeh...ksh saran, ide n kritikan yaa...peace!
Anonymous said…
Huaaaaa.... ternyata you have such a good taste in making a blog. Keep up the good work, Girl. I envy you in a good way, cause i don't have that kind of talent. I bow to you.. much much.. adore you he.he.. byee..
Anonymous said…
Mbak Shanti...Mbak Shanti...tetangga depanku...selamat ya atas blogspot barunya hehehe, yang masih garink ini hehehe *gw gak punya aje nyela:p*...diisi dong Mbak! Jangan gini aja...ayo semangaaatt!! btw ada salam dari Mbak Pri: "Kok Maksa sihhh?" hehehe...
Anonymous said…
knock....knock.....bloger baru ya??......fotonya mannnaaaa.......???
Anonymous said…
Wow ... good work girl ... salut nich g sama lu yg selalu menemukan ide2 kreatip ... chayoooo dear
btw ada salam dari Mbak Pri: "Kok Maksa sihhh?" hehehe...
salut nich g sama lu yg selalu menemukan ide2 kreatip ...
chayoooo dear