Just My Lucky Day...

My first intention was to have a slurp of caramel frappucino at Soeryo Cafe, Pasaraya Blok M with friends after wandering around museum the whole afternoon. It turned out that I met a person I hold in awe. Good singer, musician and songwriter, GLENN FREDLY!

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they say, a smile could melt the heart of Man...Glenn's could, mine was more like Tongki puppet's that causes public histerical scream, probably...ggrr! Image hosted by Photobucket.com
What can I say...too nervous to smile definetely!
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shanshine said…
thanks, but...heh??
@dewisidik said…
Shan.. tuh Mr. Anonim ngomong apaan yaks.. gw kok ga nyambung neh.
shanshine said…
mboh wok..inyong ora ngerti juga hihihi