A Letter from Nadya

This morning my 5-year old niece, Nadya (Yaya) came to me and handed me this piece of letter that she wanted me to read and then asked her mom to send it by mail. It says...

Yaya sebentar lagi mau ulang tahun
Yaya pingin kado yang bagus
Yaya pingin sepeda baru
Yaya pingin merayan *probably means "merayakan"* di rumah
sama titi *wow, my name came first!*, mama, papa, om anto, oma, mba wati
terima kasih

Nadya Sofiani

When I finished reading it, she remembers that she forgot to the names of his brother and our other maid, then she grabbed the letter and wrote...

tambah nama baru
om agus
mba tari

I really wanted to laugh seeing her with her pure children thought. And she is really serious about sending the letter! she even put it in an envelope with kepada sinterklaas on it. The funny thing is she didn't allowed her mom, dad n her brother to read it. I don't know why...
Well, I just hope sinterklaas will have the time to stop by...
