Although many slogans, campaigns and signs saying this words, "Women and Children First", the practice is quite the opposite. It turns to be just an accesory or decoration, or just a common tagline that no needs to be considered and put attention to.
This morning, on the bus, I noticed that most of the men, guys or whatever were sitting down, let alone they were young men, while I saw the women were standing. No one...actually no men were so kind letting their seats to the women, not including to me.
I got the chance to sit down when a man met his stop. The man next to him asked me to sit next to the window, while the fact was he only moved a little that it was hard for me to get through the seat. I almost wanted to yell at him, "Gee, could just get up for a while....A WHILE, so I can get through??" Pheeww...thank God I didn't. I just could not stop thinking why the guy sitting next to me is that lazy. You're young and I believe strong, man (not to mention a bit cute, but I guess I already turned off ^_^)...but you're too lazy to get up and let the lady sits!
On the Trans Jakarta, there are an actual sign saying to give the seat first to women and children, and also a sign of no food and drink are allowed, unfortunately the attendant (or guard?) only warns the passenger eating or drinking, but not the passenger giving no seats to women or children or senior citizens. Bummer... :(
This morning, on the bus, I noticed that most of the men, guys or whatever were sitting down, let alone they were young men, while I saw the women were standing. No one...actually no men were so kind letting their seats to the women, not including to me.
I got the chance to sit down when a man met his stop. The man next to him asked me to sit next to the window, while the fact was he only moved a little that it was hard for me to get through the seat. I almost wanted to yell at him, "Gee, could just get up for a while....A WHILE, so I can get through??" Pheeww...thank God I didn't. I just could not stop thinking why the guy sitting next to me is that lazy. You're young and I believe strong, man (not to mention a bit cute, but I guess I already turned off ^_^)...but you're too lazy to get up and let the lady sits!
On the Trans Jakarta, there are an actual sign saying to give the seat first to women and children, and also a sign of no food and drink are allowed, unfortunately the attendant (or guard?) only warns the passenger eating or drinking, but not the passenger giving no seats to women or children or senior citizens. Bummer... :(