Lang Zal Zij Leven

My best friends asked me a few weeks before my birthday today, what I wish for a gift for my birthday. I had nothing particular thing in mind, except I just want to share my day with my friends and the people I love. It sounds corny, but true. Instead, I asked my best friends to sing in ensemble a Happy Birthday song for Dutch!
It goes like this:

Lang zal zij leven
Lang zal zij leven
Lang zal zij leven in de gloria
In de gloria
In de gloria....

Arms up and the tune is like Panjang Umurnya in Bahasa. I circulated the lyrics for them to memorize and sing it with a little bit of dancing n moving around. I giggled the whole month before the D day thinking how difficult or probably confusing it would be for them to sing it in right words without being kelibet.

To my surprise, on 23/5/07, they all called n sms me at midnight, they made puddings *thank u schaatje dien* n bought bday cakes, they bought presents, even from the unexpected ones,....last but not least, they actually sang the bday song...IN DUTCH and IN GOOD PRONUNCIATION! plus dancing around.....

again, even from the unexpected ones....


I was psyched...
oh thank u so much my friends for doing it to me....for loving me *err...u DO love me, rite guys???*
U're the best pals a woman could have....*cry*

I love you, guys....

p.s. The video of their singing will not be published in any way due to the secrecy of the singers...haha
