I already have the book, but I could not ever find the film which was produced in 1983, not even in Glodok, heaven for movie freaks…like me haha. I’ve searched the vcd or dvd since long time (not since 83 though, coz I haven’t even been born ^_^), but no avail.
this one day afternoon, a best jugul friend of mine, si Kal-El, informed me, with his wicked n satanic grin, I believe *lol*, that he had a copy of the film and asked me to grab it as immediate as possible. Psyched, excited of course. Hurraay….hurraayy!!!
I hardly knew what to say…definitely speechless.
After long grueling minutes of listening to his narcissm haha, I finally had it, had the film I’ve always wanted to see (again). Thank you so much, man….you make my wish came true. Love you, man… *ok, that’s it. This is supposed to be the aawww moment, but you can laugh now! Yeah, you can…haha*
As a double surprise, he also gave me soundtracks of 80s TV series, such as Growing Pains, Full House and our favorite, soundtrack of the series The Greatest American Hero *yes, we’re weird…^_^ (but he’s weirder haha)*….
Moral of the day: Do not stop having dreams, coz someday it might come true…amen.
Moral of the day: Do not stop having dreams, coz someday it might come true…amen.
Special thanks: Kal-El, I owe you, man….