Bakar vs Not Bakar
Out of curiosity, I ordered the famous Spageti Bakar with cheese and sweet corn, which apparently is a cuisine similar to mac&cheese, only they use spaghetti instead of mac. Although it is considered as one of their specialties, yet I was not quite fond of it, as it was too mushy and not nendang. I even frequently nabbed my sister's Spicy Spaghetti (not the Bakar one). That was delicious.

Save the Best for Last.
The best time of the lunch was the dessert of course. We ordered DBC ala mode. Hmm...ala mode must include ice cream. True indeed delicious. Let alone the chocolate melts in the cake. Hmm...yummy...
By far, I love the place, the chocolate and all. It is a good eating out for family and friends and the waiters/tress were so nice. Unfortunately, I need to take 1,5 hour trip to Bogor just to taste this back.
Spending my weekend with my sister in Bogor, we stopped by for lunch @ a homey resto called Death By Chocolate & Spageti Bakar. It is not a branch of the same in Jakarta for this one has a specialty of Spageti Bakar or baked spaghetti. When first walking in the resto, we were welcomed to taste samples of chocolates. The waitress lead us to the baking room. We were startled by the appearance of a so-called Angel of Death. AAAA....
Out of curiosity, I ordered the famous Spageti Bakar with cheese and sweet corn, which apparently is a cuisine similar to mac&cheese, only they use spaghetti instead of mac. Although it is considered as one of their specialties, yet I was not quite fond of it, as it was too mushy and not nendang. I even frequently nabbed my sister's Spicy Spaghetti (not the Bakar one). That was delicious.

Save the Best for Last.
The best time of the lunch was the dessert of course. We ordered DBC ala mode. Hmm...ala mode must include ice cream. True indeed delicious. Let alone the chocolate melts in the cake. Hmm...yummy...
By far, I love the place, the chocolate and all. It is a good eating out for family and friends and the waiters/tress were so nice. Unfortunately, I need to take 1,5 hour trip to Bogor just to taste this back.