My latest DIY project would be this old (and ugly) cupboard of my brother's that he still keeps in my so-called walking closet (room). Seriously, I really wanted to just get rid off this, but the wood is still in great condition, except that my brother drew things on it when he was young.
don't you just wanna to remove this thang?!
Instead of re-furnishing and painting it, which would cost some, I tore pages from some fashion mags that have goods pics to cover the bad scratches. Using double tape, I stuck them on the two doors of the cupboard. Yes, it may take quite some time and hours, but I just need to be patient and meticulous displaying them.
pick mag pages with best pics. Preferably, not printed ads with many writings
I chose both color and BW pics for the cover, although total BW pics are better (but they're not easy to find, aren't they?).
self-photos are also good
I admit it is not so exceptional, but I am pretty much satisfied with the result. At least I don't have to spend money to do so. Free and simple!
ps. I'm still figuring out how to make the big black suitcase above the board look better (or how to throw it??)

kurang foto akuuuu.... :p :p :p